New life Station, Inc
New Heartland MEN'S
Recovery Center
We understand "Dual Diagnosis". It's OK to not be OK.
ABOUT: New Life Station:
New Life station is the parent 501c-3 religious non-profit organization of New Heartland, founded in 2016 and based in Binghamton NY.
Our Mission Statement: Our mission is to help people recover from the hurts, habits, and hang-ups that so commonly plague the human condition by finding a new life through the study of Biblical, Christ-centered values and principles.
Statement of aims and objectives: New life Station is a Binghamton NY based not-for-profit organization which aims to provide a clean, secure Christian environment for underprivileged members of society transitioning from conditions of incarceration, homelessness and substance abuse. Our objectives are:
1. Housing - to provide clients with a stable living situation which may serve as a launch pad toward self-sufficiency and healthy living.
2. Recovery - Provide clients with a 12-step fellowship program which is based upon Christian values.
3. Education - Provide clients with an opportunity to learn how to apply Scriptural principles to everyday life challenges.
4. Employment - Provide clients with training and services designed to assist them in procuring full-time gainful employment.
5. Transition - to facilitate the successful transition of clients into God-conscious, productive members of society.