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New life Station, Inc
New Heartland MEN'S
Recovery Center
We understand "Dual Diagnosis". It's OK to not be OK.
NHMRC Application, downloadable
For those unable to download WORD doc above, here's a plain text form that you can "print screen" or possibly answer over the phone.
New Heartland Men's Recovery Center Application
Name ___________________________________
E-mail _________________________________
Age____ D.O.B. _____________
Marital status M__ D__ W__ Sep___ Single (never married)___ Engaged ___
Phone(s) ______________ ______________________
What is your desire for coming to this program? _______________________________________
Are you currently abusing drugs? Yes ___ No ___ if so, D.O.C? __________________
Do you drink alcohol regularly? Yes___ No __ Recent alcohol-related issues? Y__ No___
Have you ever attended a residential drug or alcohol facility? Y__ N __ Need detox? Y__ N__
Do you have any pending legal matters at this time? Y___ N___ ( if so, details on separate sheet)
Do you have any up-coming court dates? Y___ N___ (itemize separately, please, if so)
Have you ever been charged with any arson or sexual offenses against another person? Y___ N__.
Do you have any child endangerment or abuse charges or allegations? Y___ N___.
Do you have any dental, medical, dietary or mobility special needs? Y___ N___.
Are you taking any prescription medications? Y___ N___ (if so, please list separately)
Have you ever received any form of mental health treatment? Y___ N___
Are you currently under the care of a Mental Health provider (psychiatrist, m/h counselor) Y___ N __
Do you have children? Y___ N___ (please prepare a list with age, sex, and whether you have custody of each)
Have your children ever been involved with CPS? Y__ N___.
There are no pass/fail answers to the above. If you were perfect in every regard, it wouldn't be reasonable to apply. So please answer truthfully so that you don't have to explain discrepancies later.
You may print and mail this to: New Heartland, attn Admissions, P.O. Box 643, Sherburne NY 13460
or Fax to New Heartland: (607) 674-4499
or send as an e-mail attachment to:
or it may be possible to review this over the phone with Admissions: (607) 674-4400.
For questions, or if no response, contact Executive Director Robert Klock (607) 343-5112 or
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