New life Station, Inc
New Heartland MEN'S
Recovery Center
We understand "Dual Diagnosis". It's OK to not be OK.
*Gifts of any size earmarked for "New Heartland" (payable to New Life Station).
Mail to: New Life Station, 746 Conklin Rd., Binghamton NY 13903.
Many in desperate need have no funds or insurance.
With a bare-bones budget figure, the current monthly cost for one man is $1500. however, no man is ever refused for lack of funds. Please consider a scholarship or regular monthly donation.
All scholarships will be administered by New Heartland. Recipients will remain anonymous throughout the term of their program, but progress reports may be issued to donors and in newsletters under a pseudonym in order that you may pray for them and share in the blessings of their recovery story.
(Sponsorships may be designated for a specific individual by name, but they will be receipted as such, and may not qualify as a tax-deductible contribution.)
For information or presentation before your church or group, contact the Director, Bob Klock at 607 343-5112
or e-mail Bobk4nls@gmail.com
Parent Organization: New Life Station Inc., 746 Conklin Rd, Binghamton NY 13903, seeking to serve and rescue men and women through the provision of multiple services in a Christ-honoring way.
New Life Station is an authorized 501c-3 charitable corporation recognized by the IRS for the acceptance of Tax-deductible contributions. A copy of its latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, from New Life Station, 746 Conklin Rd, Binghamton NY 13903 or from the NYS Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10271.