New life Station, Inc
New Heartland MEN'S
Recovery Center
We understand "Dual Diagnosis". It's OK to not be OK.
Volunteers play an essential role in providing extraordinary value at a bare-bones cost for our students. At the same time, however, we need to provide the greatest possible level of safety. All volunteers must be willing to undergo a complete background check, and submit verifiable references. Drivers must have a current, valid license and be acceptable to our insurance carrier. No smoking is permitted on the grounds or in any of our vehicles. Full and part-time volunteers are needed. If you are retired or otherwise enabled to serve in a voluntary capacity, pray about how the Lord might use you. Since anyone serving in any capacity becomes a role model for students, it is expected that your speech and conduct at all times is Christ-honoring. To begin the process, send an e-mail with brief information as to your interests, skills, and availabilities to contact@newlifestation.com.
Some part-time possibilities: Grant writer, Shuttle driver, relief Receptionist, Vocational Instructor, Building Maintenance, Overnight Security, etc.
Internships are available for those who are pursuing a course of study relating to recovery in all of its aspects, not just drugs and alcohol. And our program is not simply a "religious" or 'spiritual" one, but a transformational one, involving a deep, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Bible study, church and chapel attendance, and an understanding of our security in Him from a conservative evangelical position are all incorporated. All standards expected of volunteers, as outlined in the previous section, obviously are applicable to interns as well. A commitment of several months is necessary. For further information on a possible internship, send a brief resume' to contact@newlifestation.com. Include school(s) attended and course of study.
Volunteers and Interns