New life Station, Inc
New Heartland MEN'S
Recovery Center
We understand "Dual Diagnosis". It's OK to not be OK.
Who Needs Recovery? (everybody!)
& Who might benefit the most?
* Military PTSD; First Responders; EMS; Police
Substance abusers with history of failed short-term rehabs
Porn Addicts; Men who've trashed their marriages
Survivors of long-term emotional/physical/sexual abuse (PTSD)
Christians who realize they are bound by persistent sin & failure
So, the shoe fits....What's next???
Pray about your decision. Get used to praying.
Read the handbook thoroughly. Know what you're letting yourself in for.​
Wean yourself off tobacco if needed. NHMRC is tobacco- free.
Lastly, prepare and submit an application.,
A simple 1-page one (no fee) can provisionally qualify you. This is available to download elsewhere on website.